
Bilgi Bankası & Downloads

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2013-11-06 Autosubmission by alan

Hello Ricardo, Q: How do I add more projects to my SVN repository? A: Initially there is only 'test' project in your repositiory. It is used for all kind of tests. Let's assume you want to add another project directory 'project2'. We will create and use example project2 directory in /tmp but you may use any existing directory with content. On your local PC run (replace port and server name with yours): ave:~$ cd /tmp ave:/tmp$ mkdir project2 ave:/tmp$ cd project2 ave:/tmp/project2$ touch file1 ave:/tmp/project2$ svn --username usersvn import -m "initial checking of project2" . svn://yourdomain.com:11111/project2 Authentication realm: yourdomain.com realm Password for 'usersvn': Adding file1 Committed revision 3. ave:/tmp/project2$ cd .. ave:/tmp$ rm -rf project2/ ave:/tmp$ svn co svn://yourdomain.com:11111/project2 A project2/file1 Checked out revision 3. ave:/tmp$ ls -l project2/file1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 2013-11-06 21:10 project2/file1

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