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SSH key-based access to your account

At JVMHost we only allow key based SSH logins. This increases security of our Java hosting accounts that need active shell (command line).
You get this information in welcome email too.

1. Login to cPanel and in Security > SSH/Shell Access to generate SSH key pair for use with a standalone SSH client like Putty.
2. Click Manage SSH keys > Genarate a New Key. You may use a password to protect the key. You will be asked the password each time you use the key.
3. In Public key section click 'Manage Authorization' and 'Authorize'
4. In Private key section under 'Private SSH Key id_dsa conversion to ppk format:' click Convert to get the key in format suitable for Putty and
download the key (id_dsa.ppk or id_rsa.ppk) to your PC.
5. In Putty 
a) Enter hostname (see welcome email)
b) Set port 1033
c) Click SSH > Auth in the left menu and choose 'Private key file for authentication'. Use path to your id_dsa.ppk or id_rsa.ppk here.
d) Click Connection > Data in the left menu and set 'Auto-login username' to your username.
e) Click Session in the top of left menu, enter session name e.g. 'jvmhost' and save
f) Double click the session name. You should be logged in.

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