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Ruby on Rails on cPanel: No supported version of rails found.
When trying to create Ruby on Rails application in cPanel you get:
Your app is NOT installed because there was a problem. Try again or contact our support team.
Show Details > No supported version of rails found.
If you are root (running your own VPS or dedicated server) do the following otherwise ask your support to do it.
Check what versions of rails are available:
# gem list --local | grep -i rails
rails (2.3.11)
Check what version cPanel installer expects:
# egrep "^my @rails.*-v=" /scripts/installruby
my @rails = ( 'rails', '-v=2.3.14' );
Add the required version:
# gem install rails -v=2.3.14
Check what versions of rails are available now:
# gem list --local | grep -i rails
rails (2.3.14, 2.3.11)
Retry Ruby on Rails Application setup from client's cPanel account.
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