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We preinstall JDK, chosen application server (Tomcat, Glassfish, etc.) and any additional software (SQL server, mail server, etc.) on request. Please contact our Support or enter your software requirements in order notes.
Product/Service Setup Fee Price
XEN 512 $19.95 USD $19.95 USD Monthly
XEN 768 $23.95 USD $23.95 USD Monthly
XEN 1024 $29.95 USD $29.95 USD Monthly
XEN 1536 $34.95 USD $34.95 USD Monthly
XEN 2048 $39.95 USD $39.95 USD Monthly
XEN 4096 $59.95 USD $59.95 USD Monthly
XEN 8192 $79.95 USD $79.95 USD Monthly

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